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Alive, Making Stuff, and Ready to Collaborate - Onicia Updates - December 2018

Alive, Making Stuff, and Ready to Collaborate - Onicia Muller Newsletter - December 2018

This month's newsletter is inspired by my friend and fellow creative living in Chicago, Erisa Apantaku (@erisa_apantaku). Erisa produces content for some of my fave Chicago media organizations including City Bureau and South Side Weekly.

As we break for the holiday season and prepare our resolutions for 2019, I want you to know that I'm alive, making stuff, and ready to collaborate. Holla at me or connect me with anyone interested in producing a play (especially in the Caribbean), publishing short fiction or personal essays, producing video or audio content. Next year, I want to be all about sharing stories. I don't plan on doing as many live storytelling or comedy events, but I'm open to creating stuff for the internet.

Know any business owners needing a website upgrade, blog content, newsletters, or press releases? Here's a link to my portfolio and list of services.

Well, that's all I gotta say for 2018. See you in the new year and hopefully we'll create something cool together.

Published Writings

This roofless, unpainted, rock and mud structure holds stories I’m desperate to unlock. The seed of future generations and the ghosts of ancestors past constantly, unknowingly passing through each other. If my soul is ever successful at splitting time, would I meet my grandmother on this hill for a play date?

I‘m a special type of Millennial. I was born on a small Caribbean island in a time before the internet. Jen went to her computer. It was one of those funky desktops where the monitor’s back was a transparent, purple plastic. Using her moderate typing ability, she launched a program called MSN Messenger. Then she used a string of characters called an email address to log in and start a chat with our other cousin.

A collection of satirical essays based on news stories from 2017. My piece, Juciero 101 is included in this publication by erica dreisbach and Tom Harrison.

Balancing the thin line of beauty and torture is a difficult and necessary act every girl and woman must learn. Remembering five times my parents nearly lost their daughters to Child Protective Services.

Fan Girlin'

Mary Brown is a Chicago-based web design and strategy expert. If you're looking to update your website hit her up at or

Spend some of your holiday coins finding the perfect gift on the feminist in your life.

Nothing to Say - Onicia Muller Newsletter - November 2018
8 Tips for Mounting A Play in 8 Weeks - Hey Onicia
Want to join my club of consensual stalkers? Subscribe!
Created on St. Maarten. Based in Chicago. Onicia Muller (@OniciaMuller) writes, says funny things, and enjoys hanging with creative minds. 
Support the arts by buying me ice cream or telling your Twitter homies.

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