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Home Comings and Goings - Onicia Update - July 2019

Onicia Update July 2019

What it do Scooby Doo?!

I visited St. Maarten for the first time in five years. The roommates and I had a wonderful time at the Azure hotel. I really missed St. Maarten. I don't know when I'll return, but I hope to have another extended stay soon. BTW, shout out to my homie Ronald for fixing my rental situation.

Big news: I sold some greeting cards to American Greetings. See details below.

When we last spoke, I asked what I should focus on next. More than half of you who responded would like Maya Wagner and me to post scenes from Counting on Kendra

I was also told to do whatever inspires me. I'll try my best to have something to show you before the end of September.

That's all I gotta say today. Got something I should see or someone I should collaborate with? Email me or shout at me on Twitter.

What I've been doing instead of writing*

  • Trying to write a review for Mia McCullough's web series The Haven. You should watch it.
  • Trying to write a review for Winnifred Jong's web series Tokens On Call.
  • Ran a 5K for the first time in 4 years -- without training -- and didn't die. Shout out to erica from the Skewer for being my running buddy.
  • Enjoyed a 15-day beach vacation. We visited St. Maarten, Statia, and Anguilla.
  • Drove a car for the first time in 5 years and didn't crash.
  • Rode a bike for the first time in 6 years and didn't crash.
  • Getting rejected from submission opportunities. Rejection hurts but you learn to bounce back faster the more you put yourself out there. It still hurts, though.
  • Doing hoodrat things with the mischievious Kristina Wong (Radical Charm School, How to Pick Up Asian Chicks)
  • Hiked Peak Paradis (St. Maarten's tallest hill) and didn't die.
  • Explored my family's history by visiting the Berkel Family Museum.
  • Flexed my comedic storytelling muscle at the kates.
  • Listening to podcasts (The Read, AARP's The Perfect Scam, American Scandal, Shaped)
  • Watching educational videos (Two Cents, Say It Loud, Coffee Break, Company Man)
  • Reading/Self-development (Boundaries by Henry Cloud, My Journal Guide by Iris Kirkland)
  • Learning about my body with Maya Moon Cycle
  • Watching Pose, Orange is the New Black, and The Wire.
*I'm always writing it's just that lately most of my work is for companies and doesn't fit well with the comedic storyteller thing I got going over here. Holla at me if my select set of skills fit your need.

What I'm Working On

This year, I've been really focused on creating work with a longer shelf life. Here's a quick update on all my pending stuff.

American Greetings
Back in May, American Greetings posted an open call for funny greeting cards. I shot my shot, and they liked what I had to say. I'll let you know how you can buy my funny cards when they're out.

Pre-Existing web series (Hidden In Plain Sight Productions)
David and the producing team is almost done editing the 17 episodes. Yes, S E V E N T E E N episodes. My episode with Lissette has gone through about 3 cuts. I can confirm that it gets better with each revision. Greg Callozzo, Sandy Lee, and Sonal Aggarwal are hilarious!

Just Being Funny (The Daily Herald)
No new JBF yet because Darlene (my wonderful editor) and I have been working overtime on a special series for the paper. Anyways, I've started selecting new JBF stories, and I'm scheduled to get the writing in September.

Do you make cool things? I might feature you in my next newsletterLet's collaborate!

Want to join my club of consensual stalkers? Subscribe!
Created on St. Maarten. Based in Chicago. Onicia Muller (@OniciaMuller) writes, says funny things, and enjoys hanging with creative minds. 
Support the arts by buying me ice cream or telling your Twitter homies.

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