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Chillin' and Relaxin' - Onicia Update - April 2018

Lead Image 2018

Yes, I'm alive. Just hanging around, enjoying my social media break, and waiting for spring. Um, should I say more? Nah, that's all I gotta say today. Got something I should see or someone I should collaborate with? Email me or shout at me on Twitter.

Published Writings

6 Lessons Learned Adapting My Feature Script into a Radio Drama (La-Screenwriter)
Writing is not just sitting at your computer and typing. We develop stories and characters while doing everyday activities.

JBF: Mr. Sowell Ain’t Doing So Well – Part 1 (The Daily Herald)
Aw, look at God giving me the opportunity to bless someone’s grandpa.

JBF: Mr. Sowell’s Brand New Ride - Part 2 (The Daily Herald)
What kind of Charmin’-Ultra-struggle flirting was going on?


Here are cool things I found online!

Stop Hitting Snooze on Your Wake Up Call (Breaking the Piggy Bank)
The first step in a lot of recovery programs is to admit that you have a problem. I think the same concept can apply to admitting that we have trouble with our finances before being able to move forward.

Lock Up That Dick (iO Comedy Network/Standard Delivery)
Collette Gregory and the Standard Delivery team created this music video. This video is funny, but sexual assault isn't! April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Meet PHotographer Elizabeth McQuern (Voyage Chicago)
"The thing people tend to say most about my photography is that my subjects always look very relaxed, and you can see their true personality shining through, and that makes me very happy because that’s a big goal of mine."

Just 18 Funny Tweets for College Students (SMOSH/Ashley Moon)
If you are about to go to or are currently in college, you have our deepest condolences. Gone is the schedule of a healthy, sane person. Welcome to cup noodles and all-nighters with sh*tty coffee and awful professors who don’t give a flying f*ck about anything except their next cigarette. Enjoy your two to 10 year stay and laugh your way through the collegiate pain with these tweets.

Chi-Town Comedy Chat: KT Speetzen Is One Hilarious Mother Clucker (Rebellious Magazine)
After spending any amount of time with KT Speetzen, you find yourself awash in enthusiasm. The award-winning former teacher-turned stand-up comedian – who fills the Chicago suburb of La Grange with laughter as the founder and host of The Mother Cluckers – has a knack for empowering all in her orbit.

The Pretty Witty Podcast: Brown-less
This week we discuss how Taylor Swift may have deaded the Deadpool series, California making moves to keep restaurant workers safe, Olivia de Haviland's legal feud with Feud, and cis-hetero women and situational homophobia. Cheers!

Demystifying mental wellness in the Caribbean (Carry On Friends)
Shawna Marie Aarons-Cooke is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist who knows the stigma of mental wellness in the Caribbean Community.

Do you make cool things? Let's collaborate

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Created on St. Maarten. Based in Chicago. Onicia Muller (@OniciaMuller) writes, says funny things, and enjoys hanging with creative minds. 
Support the arts by buying me ice cream or telling your Twitter homies.

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