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Aluminum Coverage - Onicia Update - November 2019

Aluminum Coverage Onicia Muller

Aluminum Coverage is now live on YouTube! 

Like. Comment. Share. Remind your friends in the U.S. that open enrollment closes on December 15. Then include a link to my episode to remind that healthcare coverage in America is a joke and there's always a co-pay.

Don't know what to comment? A simple "LOL, Onicia you are the world's funniest writer!" will do. Can't spell? Just drop some emojis

You can watch online at or on FacebookTwitterInstagramVimeo and YouTube.

I'm accepting stand-up comedy and storytelling bookings for 2020. Contact bookings[at]oniciamuller[dot]com or

That's all I gotta say today. Got something I should see or someone I should collaborate with? Email me or shout at me on Twitter.

Upcoming Events

This One Woman (The Hopleaf)
November 25, 2019

Mother Cluckers Comedy (Anderon's Bookshop)
Stand-up comedy
January 9, 2020

Aluminum Coverage  Instagram

Do you make cool things? I might feature you in my next newsletterLet's collaborate!

Want to join my club of consensual stalkers? Subscribe!
Created on St. Maarten. Based in Chicago. Onicia Muller (@OniciaMuller) writes, says funny things, and enjoys hanging with creative minds. 
Support the arts by buying me ice cream or telling your Twitter homies.

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