My friend Annamarie from Dutch Alien Lands in the U.S. asked “where do you go to write? Or do you stay at home? It might have to do with the fact that we just moved, but I have to get a story off my chest and I can't seem to start at home. Is there a secret writer’s hotel or something?” Here’s what I told her about where to write when you’re cheap and broke.
Hey Onicia is a series where I tap into my type-A side and answer questions from my friends about this starving artist life. If you find this helpful, share with your twitter homies or thank me with ice cream. Want to chat or collaborate? Holla at me!
My sisters often encourage me to spend money on annual celebrations like holidays and birthdays because I work so hard and need to relax. My reply: spending money stresses me out. Staying at home doing nothing relaxes me.
Write at a coffee shop or bookstore? How does one write under the constant pressure to spend money? During any given workday I drink 3-5 cups of tea. Who is paying for all this tea? Not me! I’m saving my money for ice cream.
Instead of listing writing locations, I shared tools that help me write faster and overcome the blank page.
My home. Your home. Doesn’t matter as long as the rent is paid and there is Wi-Fi.
The Library
Our ‘starving artist’ tax dollars fund libraries, we might as well use them. The library offers a change of location, large desks, study rooms, internet access, and reference books. Your quick visit to Wikipedia doesn’t turn into an extended stay on Twitter.
The Bus Stop
Oh yes, I use voice typing and a variety of other tools to help me write faster and proofread my work. I often draft my weekly humor column while waiting for the bus.
The Temp Job
Yes, staying home can become mundane. My favorite non-home location is my temp job(s). While working as a temp receptionist, I enjoy free Wi-Fi, free (hot) drinks, and sometimes I get leftovers from catered meetings. The ringing phone and countdown to mandatory lunchtime push me to write. I love when there’s a standing desk or ergonomic workstation.
For freelance writers, cushy receptionist gigs offer all the benefits of working at a café without having to spend a dime. It’s better because you make money while writing.
Seriously, cafés are loud, nasty, expensive, and require me to leave home. Listen, Rebecca. I’m not going to waste an hour and a half commuting to the city (round trip) for a two-hour writing session. At home I can wear comfy clothes, enjoy unlimited snacks, fart, and never have to wait to use the restroom. No one is gonna arrest me for being pants-less sand braless in my home!
Those are my favorite writing spots. Where do you write?
What do you think? Tweet me questions using #HeyOnicia
I'm a creative with type-A tendencies who tried working in a call center but realized I'd rather help creatives get organized. I'm pimping out all my marketable skills to fund my art and ice cream habit.
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